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Factoring Invoices for Success: A Strategic Financial Approach 

PKPI Chartered Accountants

Invoice factoring stands as a crucial financial lifeline for businesses, revolutionising cash flow management by utilising outstanding invoices. At PKPI Chartered Accountants, we deeply grasp the pivotal role this solution plays in maintaining robust financial operations. 

Understanding How Invoice Factoring Works 

Process Overview 

Embracing invoice factoring involves a streamlined series of steps: 


1.Submission of Invoices: Simply submit your outstanding invoices to the factoring company. 


2.Verification: The factoring company diligently verifies the invoices while evaluating the debtor's creditworthiness. 


3.Advance Payment: Enjoy a significant percentage (typically 80-90%) of the invoice value upfront for your business.


4.Debt Collection: The factoring company takes charge of collecting payments from your debtors. 


5.Final Payment: Once payment is received from the debtor, the factoring company disburses the remaining balance after deducting a nominal fee. 


Dynamics of Benefits 

Cash Flow Enhancement 

  • Immediate access to funds ensures a consistent cash flow vital for day-to-day operations. 

  • Overcoming cash flow gaps empowers seizing growth opportunities without any hindrance. 

Outsourced Credit Management 

  • Entrusting credit control and debt collection to the factoring company alleviates your business from these time-consuming tasks. 

Flexibility and Scalability 

  • Invoice factoring seamlessly adjusts to your evolving business needs, facilitating scalability without adding financial strain. 


PKPI Invoice Factoring Services 

At PKPI Chartered Accountants, our tailored invoice factoring services cater to diverse business needs: 


  • Flexible Financing: Tailored factoring solutions that adapt seamlessly to your unique business requirements.


  • Comprehensive Support: Expert guidance and support throughout the entire factoring process.


  • Transparent Terms: Crystal-clear and concise terms ensuring transparency in every transaction. 


 1.What is Invoice Factoring.

Invoice factoring involves selling unpaid invoices to a third party for immediate cash, enabling businesses to avoid waiting for payments. 

2. How effective is invoice factoring.

It's highly effective for healthy businesses facing cash flow issues due to late payments or seasonal fluctuations. 

3.Can rapid-growth companies benefit from invoice factoring.

Yes, rapid-growth companies often benefit from quick access to cash to balance unexpected demand  

4.Is invoice factoring considered a loan.

Invoice factoring isn't a loan; it's selling accounts receivable. The factoring company purchases future receivables and provides upfront cash 

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